Trustee: Nic Petri
Nic Petri
Nic has 25+ years experience of working in schools, across mainstream and special SEMH settings, working as a senior leader in both, with a focus on pastoral care and inclusion.
To gain greater understanding of special education, Nic completed a Masters degree (Distinction) in Education, Learning and Teaching concentrating on Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, with a focus on autism.
She continues to utilise her experience and understanding through her current role as a trainer, working with schools/colleges, Local Authorities and the NHS as part of a large, international charity focussed on mental wellbeing of children and young people, parents/carers and school/college staff.
Get in Touch
01795 476450
Unit 1 Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RY