Preparation For Learning Programmes
The Preparation for Learning programme provides a nurtured, differentiated and individualised approach in order to work towards the learner’s outcomes and aspirations for the future. Each learner has a personalised programme based on their pre-existing knowledge and skills and is adapted as required to meet learner’s needs and abilities. The programme offers flexibility and opportunities for our learners, helping to motivate our vulnerable learners through the cumulative experience of successes, and is aimed at encouraging them to stay engaged with education to improve their well-being and economic outcomes.
City & Guilds in Employability Skills is a formal qualification designed to support the learner to develop the skills and qualities required to successfully gain a job in a chosen field, as well as preparing the learner for further study and supporting the development of techniques required for successful independent living.
This qualification has been designed in collaboration with a range of experts from various industry sectors, training providers and employment and recruitment professionals, to ensure the content matches what is needed and valued by today’s employment market, therefore facilitating our learners to develop the key skills, attitude and qualities that are expected from employers.
Some topics are cross-curricular to give the learners maximum opportunities to gain the skills and knowledge before they leave college.
Short- and long-term outcomes are designed to support the progress of each learner in meeting their educational and career aspirations. The courses intentions are for learners to:
• Develop communication skills
• Develop functional English and Maths skills
• Work towards individualised goals
• Develop core independent living skills
• Be an active member of the local community
• Develop self-regulating strategies to manage behaviour
• Have opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles
• Become better equipped to make informed choices about their lives
• Develop relevant and meaningful employability skills
Throughout the Preparation for Learning programme, learners are encouraged to access other vocational areas of the college, as their confidence grows, allowing them to gain more experiences and skills that they may not have been able to consider before. Our programme provides our learners with greater opportunities for progression and personalised plans towards a purposeful and supported ‘destination’. As our learners get closer to the point of leaving KITE College, we ensure that this transition is planned for and supported, sharing support needs with statutory organisations, another educational setting or an employer.
Preparation for Learning Programme

Who is it suitable for?
The Entry Level 3 – Level 2 Award & Certificate is ideally suited to 16-23-year-old learners who have successfully completed, or are working towards the Entry Level 3/Level 1, or have GCSE’s D-F. The programme is suitable for those who need to build their confidence and self-esteem to achieve at a level suiting their ability. The inclusion of Level 2 optional units also allows learners the opportunity to progress to a higher level, if they are able.
What are the aims of the course?
This programme involves a City & Guilds qualification in Employability Skills, enabling the student to have an awareness of the world of work and to be able to explore their individual career interests and plan for their future job choices.
The Personal & Social Development & Life Skills course enables the student to experience a combination of topics which provides learners to develop their knowledge and skills that they will require to look after themselves independently. Both theory and practical tasks will support confidence to make safe choices and have an awareness of how to look after themselves.
This programme consists of a combination of units from:
• PSD units covering the knowledge/skills required to prepare for independence
• Employability skills & knowledge to prepare for the working environment
• Functional Skills
• Practical life skills
What areas are covered in this course:
• Health & Safety & First Aid
• Interview Skills
• Rights & Responsibilities
• How to Search and Apply for Jobs
• Money Management
• Healthy Living
• Personal Safety
How is the course assessed?
The assessments for this qualification have a practical focus and combine various assessment styles/methodologies in order to suit the subject and levels of units contained within it. Learning outcomes are set at unit level and are achieved by following task based, oral assessments and online assessments.
What will I be able to go on to after I’ve completed the course?
After completing this qualification, the learner has the opportunity to progress onto an apprenticeship, traineeship or higher level of education.
What else you will do
Mental Health & Wellbeing support and Training
Mental wellbeing among learners has been estimated to be around half the level of non-students. What makes matters worse is that mental health has historically been something that many people don’t feel able to openly acknowledge or discuss.
KITE College wants to ensure that all learners are equipped with a baseline awareness of mental health and wellbeing and have the skills to respond to mental health difficulties.
Our new Supporting learner Mental Health & Wellbeing e-learning course aims to change that! It provides you with a practical understanding of mental health and wellbeing, and ensures you have the skills to respond to mental health difficulties and to help you overcome any difficulties you encounter.
Learning Support
Becoming a learner at KITE College, your goals and aspirations become ours and we will give you all the help and support you need to achieve them.
We have a dedicated, highly qualified and experienced teaching and support staff working collaboratively with cross-college teams in efficiently assessing a student’s needs as well as organising and implementing a wide range of support programmes, each tailored to their individual requirements.
Life Skills
Life Skills are any skills you need to manage the activities and challenges of everyday life effectively. Mastery and development of these skills can improve all areas of your life, from your work to your relationships. They allow you to handle almost everything better, from processing your emotions more effectively to interacting with others. Some of the key areas you will focus on are:
• Managing Time
• Managing Money
• From here to there
• Communication
• Personal Relationships
• Healthy Living
• Citizenship
Employability Skills
Employability Skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed to make you ‘employable’. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee. These skills are what they believe will equip the employee to carry out their role to the best of their ability.
Functional Skills
Functional Skills qualifications are key to building foundations for you to progress into your specialist skillsets. These subjects are a vital part of the entry/exit requirement for vocational study, apprenticeships and traineeships.
Learners who are entitled to extra support can also apply for: Free College Meals, Assisted Travel and Learner Bursaries.
Want to know more? Please contact:

The overarching aims of our Foundation Learning programme at Kite College are:
- To support improved engagement, participation and progression through entry level and level 1 towards level 2; or, where appropriate, towards other destinations such as supported employment and independent living
- To bring coherence to programmes of study at entry level and level 1 to support progression
- To ensure that learners gain a minimum level and range of skills providing a sound foundation for further learning and employment
- To support the delivery of quality learning programmes which help to encourage raised aspirations and a culture of lifelong learning.
Foundation Learning programme will be:
- built mainly from appropriate qualifications from entry level and level 1 of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and functional skills qualifications
- personalised – appropriate to learners’ needs and starting points
- destination-led – supporting individual progression to level 2 or other appropriate destinations
- of flexible content and duration
- supported by a ‘wrap-around’ of support, information and guidance including, where appropriate, initial engagement activities, and initial assessment and ongoing review.
- subject or vocational knowledge, skills and understanding
- functional skills in English, mathematics and ICT
- personal and social development learning
- Personal and Social Development Qualifications Personal and Social Development qualifications enable learners to develop their personal and social development skills whilst gaining confidence and self-esteem.
The units included cover areas such as:
- Developing own skills and setting goals
- Social skills, such as managing relationships and working with others
- Knowledge for living in the wider community, such as rights and responsibilities, and community action
- Life skills, such as healthy living, budgeting, and preparing for work.
Personal and Social Development qualifications are a perfect way to help learners acquire the skills and confidence they need to move towards more vocational types of learning.
- Functional Skills Qualifications
Functional skills are qualifications in English, maths and ICT that equip learners with the basic practical skills required in everyday life, education and the workplace.
They are stand-alone qualifications in their own right, they are a component of the Entry and Level 1 Programmes (Foundation Learning) suite of qualifications, and the skills are embedded within GCSEs.
- Vocational Qualifications.
All vocational qualifications for Entry Level/Level 1 learners ensure learners engage in practical skills allowing learners to become used to working in an industry and will find future progression easier.
Learners can also try different vocational courses as a taster to see what industry may be sorted for them.
Get in Touch
01795 476450
Unit 1 Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RY