Independent Living Skills
Here at KITE College, we take pride in our diverse and dynamic Skills for Life programme. Following guidance from the PSHE association we endeavour to support our learners to become resilient and well-rounded individuals. We encompass a multitude of skills including class based and practical incorporating cookery and independent living skills to enhance the vocational offer at KITE and to allow our learners to develop the skills they need for increased employability and to live full and rewarding lives outside in the wider world. The Skills for Life curriculum are set out into six thematic termly units which interlink the programme, delivered in a small group setting with support from Learning Support Practitioners (LSPs) who work closely with the learners across all subjects.
In term one we introduce Equality and Diversity, looking at how we perceive the world and how learners can find their place within the community. We also use our practical cookery lessons as a vehicle to learn about other cultures to embed a culture of awareness and
acceptance within our community.
In term two we move onto Respectful Relationships where we encourage learners to think about how they can increase their social skills to help build develop positive relationships which will enhance friendships, future relationships and professional partnerships. We discuss personal boundaries and how we can stay safe including learning about consent.
Next, in term three we learn about personal safety. We shall be looking at ways the learners can protect their own wellbeing. Looking at the risks involved with alcohol and drug use. We are having a professional drug and alcohol awareness organisation delivering workshops
to all learners to enhance the curriculum we are delivering.
Term four will be financial literacy and independent living skills, where students will learn how to safely manage their money and how to budget. We have several students who are care leavers and we know this is a particularly vulnerable time, in response to that lessons will be based around information about moving out for the first time. The learner will be provided with the practical skills to open a bank account and ways to access financial services. The program will also engage learners with practical skills needed to manage a home when living independently.
In term five we will be looking at employability. Using the Unifrog platform, the students will be encouraged to build a CV, look at ways to search for employment and alongside the Department for Work and Pensions, will be engaging with practical skills to use when attending interviews. These sessions will help learners to improve their confidence and communication skills to improve their progression pathways.
During term six learners will be invited to look at their own health and wellbeing, through training with a the “get it scheme” learners will have access to up to date sexual health information. The unit will look at personal hygiene and how to access medical help when needed. Equipping learners with the tools needed to take responsibility for their own physical wellbeing.
We work alongside student voice to tailor the lessons to individual and communal needs, working with outside agencies and collaboratively across the college to create a bespoke and holistic approach. We passionately believe that every student should have the right to thrive in our college and when progressing onto their chosen pathways.

Experience Skills for Living Independently in our dedicated Skills for Life studio.
Independent Living Skills will form part of your whole experience at KITE College alongside your chosen vocational subject.
Who is it suitable for?
All our learners.
What are the aims of the course?
Independent living skills enables the learner to experience a combination of topics which provides an opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills that they will require to look after themselves independently.
Both theory and practical tasks will support confidence to make safe choices and have an awareness of how to look after themselves.
This programme consists of a combination of units from:
• PSD units covering the knowledge/skills required to prepare for independence.
• Practical life skills for example cooking skills.
What areas are covered in this course:
• Health & Safety & First Aid
• Money Management
• Healthy Living
• Personal Safety
What will I be able to go on to after I’ve completed the course?
On completion candidates may wish to progress to trade specialist vocational qualifications at a higher level – for example bricklaying, carpentry, plumbing or electrical.
What else you will do
Mental Health & Wellbeing support and Training
Mental wellbeing among learners has been estimated to be around half the level of non-students. What makes matters worse is that mental health has historically been something that many people don’t feel able to openly acknowledge or discuss.
KITE College wants to ensure that all learners are equipped with a baseline awareness of mental health and wellbeing and have the skills to respond to mental health difficulties.
Our new Supporting learner Mental Health & Wellbeing e-learning course aims to change that! It provides you with a practical understanding of mental health and wellbeing, and ensures you have the skills to respond to mental health difficulties and to help you overcome any difficulties you encounter.
Learning Support
Becoming a learner at KITE College, your goals and aspirations become ours and we will give you all the help and support you need to achieve them.
We have a dedicated, highly qualified and experienced teaching and support staff working collaboratively with cross-college teams in efficiently assessing a student’s needs as well as organising and implementing a wide range of support programmes, each tailored to their individual requirements.
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills are any skills you need to manage the activities and challenges of everyday life effectively. Mastery and development of these skills can improve all areas of your life, from your work to your relationships. They allow you to handle almost everything better, from processing your emotions more effectively to interacting with others. Some of the key areas you will focus on are:
• Managing Time
• Managing Money
• From here to there
• Communication
• Personal Relationships
• Healthy Living
• Citizenship
Employability Skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed to make you ‘employable’. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee. These skills are what they believe will equip the employee to carry out their role to the best of their ability.
Functional Skills
Functional Skills qualifications are key to building foundations for you to progress into your specialist skillsets. These subjects are a vital part of the entry/exit requirement for vocational study, apprenticeships and traineeships.
Learners who are entitled to extra support can also apply for: Free College Meals, Assisted Travel and Learner Bursaries.
Want to know more? Please contact:
Get in Touch
01795 476450
Unit 1 Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RY