Functional Skills Maths
Functional Skills Maths – Course overview:
A key aim for Functional Skills mathematics specifications is that they enable the student to gain confidence and fluency in, and a positive attitude towards, mathematics. Students will convey their confidence in using mathematics when they can demonstrate a sound grasp of mathematical knowledge and skills (see purpose section) and apply it to solve mathematical problems.
Mathematical problem solving is an important aspect of Functional Skills, but it is also vital that the underpinning knowledge and skills required, both with and without a calculator, can be demonstrated in their own right, for example, use of times tables.
Functional Skills qualifications should provide reliable evidence of a student’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to the workplace. They need to provide assessment of students’ underpinning knowledge as well as their ability to apply this in different contexts. They also need to provide a foundation for progression into employment or further technical education and develop skills for everyday life.
Functional Skills mathematics should enable the student to gain confidence and fluency in and a positive attitude towards, and to develop behaviours such as persistence and logical thinking as they apply mathematical tools and approaches.
Purpose of Functional Skills Maths for Entry Levels: to demonstrate a sound grasp of the underpinning skills and basics of mathematical skills appropriate to the level, and the ability to apply mathematical thinking to solve simple problems in familiar situations. Achievement of these qualifications can provide the skills for further study at Levels 1 and 2.
Purpose of Functional Skills Maths for Level 1 and Level 2: a qualification for work, study and life. Achievement of this qualification demonstratesa sound grasp of mathematical skills at the appropriate level and the ability to apply mathematical thinking effectively to solve problems successfully in the workplace and other real-life situations.

Functional Skills Mathematics –
Entry Levels 1 to 3:
Learning aims and outcomes at Entry Level Functional Skills mathematics qualifications at these levels should:
- Enable students to become confident in their use of fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills, as described through the content;
- Indicate that students can demonstrate their understanding by applying their knowledge and skills to solve simple mathematical problems or carry out simple tasks.
Entry Level 3 students are expected to be able to:
- Use given mathematical information including numbers, symbols, simple diagrams and charts;
- Recognise, understand and use simple mathematical terms appropriate to Entry Level 3;
- Use the methods given above to produce, check and present results that make sense to anvappropriate level of accuracy; and
- Present results with appropriate and reasoned explanation using numbers, measures, simplevdiagrams, charts and symbols appropriate to Entry Level 3. The context for simple problems at this
level should be familiar to all students
Assessment design –
Mathematics at Entry 1 – 3
Each level is assessed by a single, externally set assessment comprising two sections. These are internally marked and subject to external quality assurance by City & Guilds.
The assessment consists of two sections:
Section 1: Calculator not permitted. This is worth 25% of the marks.
Section 2: Calculator permitted. This is worth 75% of the marks.

Levels 1 and 2 Learning aims and outcomes:
Functional Skills mathematics qualifications at these levels should:
- Indicate that students can demonstrate their ability in mathematical skills and their ability to apply these, through appropriate reasoning and decision making, to solve realistic problems of increasing complexity.
- Introduce students to new areas of life and work so that they are exposed to concepts and problems which, while not of immediate concern, may be of value in later life; and
- Enable students to develop an appreciation of the role played by mathematics in the world of work and in life generally
Assessment model:
The qualifications at levels 1 and 2 are each made up of a single assessment component comprising
of two sections:
- non-calculator section (25% of total marks)
- calculator section (75% of total marks
The final grade is based on the total marks achieved for both sections. The assessments are summative and externally set and marked by City & Guilds
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01795 476450
Unit 1 Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RY