Trustee: Nikki Clark

Nikki Clark

My training was initially in nursery, infant and junior education and has followed 2 distinct and very contrasting phases. My first position was in a primary school where I remained for 8 years.

My career changed course when I moved into the sphere of special education working in a Community Home with Education (CHE) which also had a remand facility. This period was followed by a Headship of a PRU and latterly, before my retirement, the Deputy Headship of a special school for students with SEMH difficulties.

I have always felt it a privilege to work with students with complex difficulties, and never tired of ensuring that the educational environment in which I worked, did everything it could to enrich the lives of its students and open doors of opportunity for them.

I look forward to working with Trustees to develop Kite College to enable it to reach the widest range of young people who are in need of its expertise and opportunities.


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01795 476450



Unit 1 Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RY